Why Age Matters for Men and Women Who Want to have a Family

Age is a crucial factor affecting male and female fertility. The modern world offers us many opportunities, including education, occupation, and social and love life. For this reason, the social pressure of getting married and having a child at a certain age has dropped, so we tend to postpone the creation of a family for a better time – when we settle our careers, lives, financial issues, etc.

Stress & Infertility

Often we decide to have a baby at 30, 40, or 50, and the difficulties come. Aging is an unpreventable natural process. With all the stress and adverse environmental impact, the current pace of life contributes a lot to speed it up, which affects fertility as well. So let's find the best age for having a baby. Consult Low-Cost IVF, Best Infertility Treatment in Bangalore.

Women and their Fertility

The chances of getting pregnant by age, you notice that the most fertile age for a woman is 20-35. This women's fertility age gap is ideal for conception in all aspects: the physical ability of the body to carry a child, egg quality, and incidence of genetic deviations in a fetus.

In addition, the number of miscarriages increases with age. For example, at the age of 20, the chances of miscarrying a fetus are 10%, while at the age of 45, they are as high as 90%. What is more, the age of the male partner also affects the possibility of having a miscarriage. It is believed that a woman whose partner is over 45 years old presents a considerably higher probability of miscarrying. So this analysis of fertility by age shows that the best age for having a baby for a woman is 20-35.

Age also contributes significantly to the risk of complications during pregnancy and labor. After age 35, women are more prone to stillbirth, caesarian section, or other issues like Placenta previa (a condition when the placenta is not attached correctly in the cervical opening area). So women after 35 should be more carefully monitored by a doctor to make sure that she does not present any pregnancy complications.

The concept of the best age to get pregnant is not a prejudice or a myth; it's pretty accurate and scientifically reasoned. With age, the chances of getting pregnant for a woman sufficiently decrease. For example, at the age of twenty, they are around 25%, meaning that, on average, it would require about 3-4 months to conceive a child. After 35, the odds fall dramatically from 20% to 5% at the age of 40, and after 45, there is a 2% probability of getting pregnant. So if you consider the fertility rates by age, you'll see that after 45, you will need at least 20 months of constant attempts to conceive a child naturally; however, success is still doubtful.

Men and their Fertility

There is a common prejudice that men are equally fertile in all stages of their life, no matter whether they are 20 or 60. We often hear that a man can conceive a child even when he is 80 or 90 because they don't have to deal with menopause. But it's not entirely true. Unlike women, indeed, don't lose their fertility entirely, but it does decline with age, but it is less evident and noticeable than it is with female reproductive abilities.

The thing is that, with age, men do not stop producing sperm. Still, its quality suffers from age-related changes and thus impacts their fertilizing ability and the health condition of their possible children. The age of men plays a vital role in the incidence of some genetic diseases, including Achondroplasia, autism, bipolar disease, epilepsy, spontaneous schizophrenia, etc. The older the father, the higher the risk of giving birth to an affected child.

So when does sperm start deteriorating? The quality of sperm starts declining after age 35, like in women, meaning that fertility in both sexes starts reducing at the same age. So obviously, the best age to have kids for both men and women is in their mid-thirties.

You can't make the time stop, but you can take steps to eliminate how it affects you and your health, particularly your fertility. So that is why you should try to stay as healthy as possible. So what does it mean? Making intelligent choices concerning your lifestyle, including health, diet, and physical activity.

  • Take care of your weight. Couples with healthy weight have better chances of conceiving a child naturally. Extra weight may also cause issues with hormone levels, affecting menstrual cycles and the quality of eggs and sperm.
  • Balance your diet. Food is closely related to the fertility rate; what is more, some products may increase your fertility, and some may severely dent it.
  • Physical activity is essential. Being in good shape will boost your fertility and contribute to your general health.
  • Give up on bad habits. Smoking and alcohol consumption does affect your fertility. Alcohol intake, for example, is associated with poor sperm quality, count, motility, and fertilization rate. Greater alcohol consumption is associated with a longer time necessary for conception and reduced IVF success rates.

With modern technologies, stopping time for a moment regarding your fertility is possible. IVF is believed to be a good solution for people who have to face the burden of infertility, for the price of this procedure is relatively affordable and seems pretty convenient. But, with time, even this backup option becomes less effective because younger men and women have better-quality reproductive cells.

All in all, you need to be thoughtful while planning your family. If you do want to postpone your pregnancy for later, you may want to choose one of the options described above. And if you are after thirty and, at this point, you have faced some issues related to conception; you may schedule a consultation with a Low-Cost IVF, Best Infertility Hospital, to get a professional opinion, help, and advice.

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Comment By Ravi on 2019-10-26 06:47:27
We are planning Ivf treatment please help
Comment By Mamatha on 2019-12-10 17:23:57
34yrs, I am diabetic ,,can I go for ivf for kid
Comment By Nazneen sultana on 2019-12-22 11:52:20
I have one baby now I am planning but it's taking more time please help me to get IVF in low cost


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